CaliCounts News

Baseball season has officially started in our family...don't expect much news! :)

Sunday, June 25, 2006

All tied up in Kansas

Looks like dad has things under control in Kansas. Just tie them up in the hammock!!!

Friday, June 23, 2006

Aren't they cute?

So yet some more cute pictures from Kansas. I love Corey's hair and Jeff says Katie is looking like a young girl now and not his baby daughter....oh poor daddy. Maybe he'll be more willing to give me another here soon. Who knows... Talk to you later!!!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Missing the kids

Well...the kids have been in Kansas for a week now. Here's a picture they sent Jeff on Father's Day. They call at night to let me know how they are doing but I sure miss them. We leave on Tuesday for Trisha's wedding!