CaliCounts News

Baseball season has officially started in our family...don't expect much news! :)

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Nathan's Birthday

Had a great time at Nathan's Birthday Party on Saturday. Here's a couple of pictures...check out Matt and Mandy's site for a full spectrum of pictures!!!

Monday, August 21, 2006

Jeff's 10 yr reunion

Here's a pic from Jeff's reunion. He was the only guy from his class there amongst the 7 other girls from his class!!! Go Jeff!!!! :)

Saturday, August 19, 2006


The kids now wear glasses! Katie full time and Corey for up close work!! Corey starts 3rd grade on Monday and I start back at the high school. He has a great teacher...already did mom duty and met her and talked to her about him changing his name and she was cool about it!! Yeah! Katie takes breaks from wearing her glasses until she gets used to them. Don't want to strain her eyes. She's excited about starting at Joanies full time as well. Rachel and Oliver are coming down to visit and are now convinced we need to move to Hawaii with them so we can be full time girl friends....sounds good to me!!! lol. Anyway I hope everyone is doing well. Love and Miss-The Counts

Friday, August 11, 2006

Throwing signs?

Kids got a hold of the camera.

Baseball is back

Here we go with Junior Giants Baseball...only a couple of games for Katie and six for Corey but it will be fun. Corey learned to hit off of a pitching machine and almost smacked the coach in the face while he was standing behind the machine. Katie was a little bored but there were many 3.5 yr olds that were going crazy so she didn't get much play time. Maybe for real T-Ball.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Working too hard

I swear she was just talking two minutes before I took this picture!