CaliCounts News

Baseball season has officially started in our family...don't expect much news! :)

Monday, April 23, 2007

Jaxon is in 3D now :)

We decided to try the 3D thing and copy my sister but it was fun. I'm also copying my brother in law with his new picasa web albums so click on the side for the entire collection of Jaxon 3D

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Pictures of Ava Jane

Here is Ava Jane and her proud parents. Love you guys!!!

New Niece!!!

Baby Ava Jane was born 4/13/07
She was 6lbs and 5 oz and 18.5 inches long.
Mom and Dad are doing well and as soon as I have
a picture I'll get it posted.
Congrats!!! I'm sooooo proud of my sis!!

Monday, April 02, 2007

Katie's 5th Unbirthday Party

Here are a couple of pictures from Katie's birthday party. We had a great time and she got everything she wanted plus some more. Also a picture of big baby in mommy's tummy while I'm helping her with her presents. Thanks for all the great gifts :)