CaliCounts News

Baseball season has officially started in our family...don't expect much news! :)

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Baby Shower

Camera died so there wasn't too many pictures from the baby shower. But here is one that kinda turned out

Corey's Birthday Party

Corey's Birthday Party was Saturday and he's a picture from his game and then his favorite gift. His High V is looking pretty good there too!!! (says the former cheer coach)

Trip to Matt and Mandy's (two weeks back or so)

We went down to Matt and Mandy's to see their new place and then went out to eat. Here's a couple pictures from the park across from the Spaghetti Factory.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Ava Jane is one month old

Happy One Month Ava!
As soon as I realize to bring my camera to places I'll have new pictures of my own kids. In the mean time Ava is the star.