CaliCounts News

Baseball season has officially started in our family...don't expect much news! :)

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Some new pictures of the kids

The first two are from Katie's Game and the last two from Corey's practice. We are keeping busy with baseball almost six days a week now! Only have Sunday's off and we still haven't finished unpacking. Spring break was going to be my time to unpack but like normal when I have time off I get sick! Not fun at all or fair!

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Jaxon made it to the dining room

Down to Feather River

We took a trip up and over to the levy and then down the trails to the river. It was a fun hour trip considering there were a lot of bumpy trails for the kids to go on. Found out the trails were not meant for strollers or for bicycles with training wheels on them
as you see in the picture below with Jeff carrying Katie's bike. We forgot to snap a picture of me but I am there I promise you as I am the picture taker!

Katie was a happy camper when she wasn't riding her bicycle. I think this summer we are going to get her off of those training wheels as they are not fun on the trails! But is was one beautiful day for a walk!

My favorite time of the day!

Jeff was able to enjoy a great time of the day with Jax so I took a picture!